A Wonderful World

What a wonderful world we live in!
I know, sometimes we experience **** times but ultimately, I always try to find the good in my life and in what’s happening.

I wasn’t sure whether to share this or not but I’ve read recently lots of messages from people who are genuinely struggling or have lost loved ones due to suicide.

So I’m stepping out of my comfort zone (which as a Learning & Development expert, I have to do sometimes as I advise others it’s a good thing to do!!).

I’ll try to keep it short and try to share something positive at the end.

Stick with me.

About 3 years ago, my husband was severely depressed. It wasn’t a very pretty time, but it was also a time when we reconnected at an even deeper level. 

Sometimes you can’t do anything else for a person other than be there for them. Fully present. Fully listening and hearing them, even when they’re not talking.

Everyone needs this a lot of the time. They don’t have to be depressed. 

Our kids need this type of presence & listening when they get home from school, so do our parents, our siblings, our friends, our work colleagues, and the random people you meet when you’re going about your daily business.

Often, we all need a “good listening too.” 

It doesn’t cost anything apart from some of your time & focus. But it can be life changing for a person. It can save lives. 

When we were in the thick of our experience, we came across Kintsugi which is a Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with a lacquer mixed with powered gold, silver, or platinum. 

It shows that things do get broken but when they get fixed, they can be even more beautiful and even stronger than they were before.

I do believe that life is often as it is to help us to grow and become stronger. 

Please keep looking out for each other; be still & listen to others when they need you.

If you need support, check out www.Mind.org.uk and www.Samaritans.org

There are loads of other great resources & charities out there too.

#people #listen #wellbeing

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