T’is the season to be jolly

T’is the season to be jolly…… Is it?

Personally, I do love Christmas time. The whole build up; the dark nights; the sparkly lights. It’s wonderful.

Christmas Eve is my absolute favourite day – full of anticipation and hope.

But it can also be a challenging time of year. Juggling family expectations, work demands, the grief we feel for those no longer with us.

So, what do we do? How do we look after what we need… to be jolly?

I have to admit this is an area of constant challenge and focus for me. 

I’m a definite people pleaser, a definite carer of others and can sometimes (read often…) forget to prioritise me. 

I thank my family and friends for pointing this out to me and for helping me to remember to look after my needs… the old “put your own oxygen mask on first!” scenario.

In the late and great, Stephen R. Covey’s iconic book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, he shares Habit 7 which is to “Sharpen the Saw”.  He said, “We must never become too busy sawing, to take time to sharpen the saw.”   

For those who haven’t come across this before – you are the saw. You are your greatest asset = look after you first and as a priority. 

Permission given! 

Where do we start?   

Well, I encourage you, with much love and care, to ask yourselves these questions today: –

What keeps you jolly? 
What puts a smile on your face?
What keeps the joy in your life?

For me, one the highlights of my day is listening to Sara Cox, BBC Radio 2 at Drivetime. 

I absolutely LOVE the jingle “Life’s a Happy Song” originally by The Muppets! Such wise words…

“I’ve got everything that I need – right in front of me”

And that’s so true. Whatever you’re facing, you have everything you need in you, around you and because of you. 

So, there you have it. I take wisdom from The Muppets. Nothing else to say.

What’s your “pick me up”? 
What puts a “spring in your step”?

Know what it is?
Do more of it… (as long as it’s legal! 😊)

…and enjoy being a bit jollier today…

“Life’s a Happy Song”

#christmasiscoming #selfcare #inspiration #muppets

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