The year of radical change!
So here I am writing a blog for the very first time – but what got me here?
I simply woke up one day and felt like this needed to be the year of RADICAL change. Well it wasn’t quite that simple!
Let me be honest with you – I have always been a very risk averse person; I’d been at my last employer for almost 18 years (and was very happy for the most part); I didn’t get my ears pierced until I was 30 years old; had my first coffee when I was 40 years old – ok ok, so maybe I was more boring than risk adverse but you get my drift. I lived life safe.
Some would say I was stuck, too comfortable, reached my limit etc etc.
But I wanted more for myself. So when I announced to my closest colleagues at the start of 2020 that “this was going to be a year of radical change”, they thought I was going to start drinking a cappuccino rather than a mocha in the morning!
Oh and we had no idea about COVID at that time – little did we know!
So, to be honest, I was probably the last person you’d expect would leave my job and go self employed and start writing blogs!
Well, here I am…. And how did I get here? Well…
- I was positively bored in my job
- I had dreamt about setting up my own business for 10 years
- I believe that we all have a unique purpose in life and I wanted to explore mine
- I trust completely in what life has to offer each one us
- I want, and needed to be, a good role model to my kids
- I believe in knowing who you are, playing to your strengths and growing as a person everyday
- I had defined my own version of what a successful life means
- Oh and I was positively bored in my job!
This concept of radical change is brilliant. Extreme change. Life changing events.
Don’t get me wrong, its not for everyday use. Not many of us want radical change on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis. But once you’ve made this type of change once, making the next one will be easier.
In fact, I hadn’t always been an avoider of change. Not really, when I look back on my life; I met my husband and moved in with him after 6 months and within the year we had moved from Edinburgh to London together. We’ve now been together for 21 years… happily together!
We moved from London to the East Midlands on the strength of one 6 month work contract. We knew one person who lived here, we didn’t know anything about the area, we didn’t even know if the flat we had rented was furnished or not until we got the keys!
Its safe to say that this was all before kids…. And, well, maybe having kids made me less risk taking, less spontaneous. Anyone else feel the same? But I would never change a thing. Life has stages to it and the stability that was needed was essential for that time of my life.
Now though… onwards and upwards as they say. 1st blog… tick
Tell me about your moments of “radical change” or if you’re keen to create some change in your life – get in touch.